Sunday, April 22, 2007

Our Wedding Website is Coming Soon!

Been waiting to see our wedding website for a long time? and the photos? Having been working on this and that in the past few months, but finally our website is almost done :-) So when we will be lauching it? Stay tuned ;-)

King Huy Hall

Today is King Huy Hall's open day. I have taken some photos inside the church. Let's take a look.

Do you think I should have my wedding blessings here?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Wedding Etiquette

I received the book from you today! Sweet & Amazing...
Some interesting facts:
  • Veils were thought to keep away evil spirits, who would be confused by not being able to see the bride
  • Throwing confetti has its roots in the Roman period, when guests threw almonds at newlyweds to symbolize a fruitful marraige
  • Cutting a cake at a wedding was once thought to ensure a fruitful marriage. Keeping a piece of cake is supposed to guarantee that your husband stayts faithful

Sunday, April 8, 2007


對於新人而言,籌備婚禮是一個前所未有的考驗.結了婚的人都知道,許多時候,一對新人甜甜蜜蜜準備結婚去,卻在籌備婚禮的過程中,每每因各種細節而發生爭拗,傷害到彼此間的感情.許多已婚的人亦會埋怨當日沒做好充足的準備而後悔莫及. 現在有機會作好準備的你,就幸福得多了 凡事感激 記著必須信任對方,緊記對方所做的事情都是為大家而作,無論結果是好是壞都應存感激之心.不要以為幸福是必然的事,應該對方知道你對他所做的一切均覺感謝 坦誠感受 籌辦婚禮事項,出現爭拗或不快是很平常的事.最好先分析原因並向伴侶傾吐,讓對方了解自己的處境和感受,然後一同尋求解決方法,不能把不快埋藏心底 勿亂發怒 兩人已經走到結婚之路,為了少許磨擦而大發脾氣,隨時會失言傷害了對方,所以無論如何也要三思而後言,免致後悔莫及 萬莫挑剔 不斷的挑剔,責備,埋怨,嚕囌只會惹人反感,產生反效果 忌翻舊帳 伴侶爭吵,容易把舊事翻出爭持,但其實這是相處大忌,會把問題升級,令事情更難解決 O 寬恕是很重要的,要寬容,給對方有充足的私人空間.

Quote from